In this section we will learn about how to create, edit and update department.
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In this section we will learn about how to create, edit and update department.
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Good to know: Every department contains many categories and every agent is connected with the department, which means every agent can resolve the issue from the multiple categories.
Here we will see, how to create a department, when you click on the create department button, you will see this field, Department and department category.
Note: Department Category will created from the knowledgebase -> category, when you was creating the category from the knowledgebase at that time we have given the option as both, knowledgebase, category.
For the reference we have added a screenshot below
Now I am continuing with the create department, so when you click on the create department button you have the UI like something below, Fill the required data and just click on the save button to create the department.
To edit the department click on the edit icon from your department listing, then you can see the UI like the below one, just click on the update to edit your department.
To delete the department click on the cross button from the department listing, we will ask before deleting any item.