Create Permission
In this section we will learn about, how to create permission
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In this section we will learn about, how to create permission
Last updated
When you visit the Permission page, you have the UI like the below one, where we have the option to add new permission and to create a permission category
We will start on how to create a permission category
Let's Suppose you created a new module as CMS, and you wanted to add that module inside the permission, then first you have to create a permission category named CMS, So when you click on the permission category you have the UI like the below one.
To create the permission category you just have to click on add permission category, then new popup will open as shown in the above image, where you have to add your permission name and click on the save.
Now it's time to add our cms category to the permission, when you click on the new permission you have the UI like the below one.
So here first you have to choose the route category under which you want to add your permission, and now it's time to add your name and route name, Name can be anything but the route name will be the one that you have given in your code.
I am gonna add my code screenshot below so that you can be understood what I have to add inside the route name
So in my case, I will add the route name as,, and so on, please refer to the below screenshot for more clarification.
Now you got the idea, of how to create permission in the easy ticket, it's easy, right?